Sunday, January 5, 2014

TOW #14 Revisiting Resolutions, 10 Years Later by Abby Rabinowitz

Originally, I had planned on doing a very dry, very boring story for my TOW. However, while procrastinating said assignment, I came across this article on Buzzfeed. It relates to the new year, and it was fun. So without further ado....
At the age of 24, feeling down on herself for not doing as many great things as she hoped, Abby Rabinowitz made a list. The list represented the things that she hoped to be and do within six months. The list, if looking at it from the six month standpoint, is INSANE, but the author provides a more realistic view by offering a ten year reflection. 
The list, with it’s demanding requests (19. Learn French; become fluent in. 20. Learn Spanish; become fluent in.) is the most important aspect of the article. It shows not only how a woman imagined her life being so much different than it is, but also the ability to dream outlandishly that we often lose later in life. I believe that there is a saying, “shoot for the moon, because if you fall you will still be among the stars.” (or something like that, maybe I made it up?) Anyway, this quote, real or not, is exactly what the author is trying to explain. Though she may not have kept in touch with everyone she met at 24, she does now have a fulfilling writing career and published article. Most of all, she is ahppy. Throughout the story, Rabinowitz shows that despite not keeping up with these outlandish requests of a young 24 year old, she is perfectly happy, and probably better off. There is an important lesson to be taken from this article, and it is not to take yourself so seriously. If you set incredibly difficult goals for yourself and focus only on them, when you inevitably fail at something, you will feel worthless. Instead, take life for what it is, and great things will come to you. Also remember that great things take time, what you want to accomplish in 6 months may take 10 years, but hey, you still accomplished it.
In case you want to read the article (WHICH I RECOMMEND) here it is: 

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