Sunday, December 15, 2013

TOW #13 Taking A Que From A Friend... An analytical view of a popular meme.

Last week, my friend was struggling to think of a topic for her TOW. She told me that she wanted to do a meme, but wasn't sure how to approach it. This spurred creative thinking in me, and an idea was born. Hence, this:
Oh Overly Attached Girlfriend. You represent so many things that are wrong with society. As you can see from this collection of pictures, the Overly Attached Girlfriend meme has a single common theme. This girl is CRAZY. Or, that's what the pictures seem to show. In each one, the girl is surrounded by text describing a situation that she has caused. Each situation is slightly offensive, albeit hilarious. However, the innocent meme, meant to reflect the small actions of some women that annoy men, has been blown out of proportion. As the collection of posts above (hopefully) shows, the meme has been blown out of proportion. What was once a lighthearted way to poke fun has become a derogatory recurrence in society. Overly Attached Girlfriend (OAG) has become a reflection of the misogynistic values that are STILL abundant in society. In the meme on the bottom right, the text implies that the girlfriend will not allow the guy to wear sunglasses for fear of his “wandering eye.” I don’t think this is fair first off to men as it implies that they are inherently willing to turn their backs on a relationship, always looking for something better to come along. That’s offensive! The meme is also offensive to women though as it implies that all women have much insecurity about not only their boyfriends (or husbands etc.) wandering eyes, but also about themselves. The meme seems to always imply that OAG thinks she isn’t good enough, that she is just waiting to be replaced and that unless she acts like a complete psycho, she will be left in the dust. Not only is this meme offensive and wrong, it is also depressing. How have women come so far in getting equal treatment, only to be set back by society once more? This needs to stop. Let’s end OAG once and for all.

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