Monday, January 20, 2014

TOW #16 I am a Stranger Here Myself

I really, really liked this book. First off, it was hilarious. Although, I’m pretty sure most things Bill Bryson writes are indeed hilarious. He is just a funny guy. I’ll have to read more of his stuff in the future, I like the style of his writing. Although, that may have just been because it was not exactly a book. It was more a compilation of newspaper articles. I thought that was super cool (I have a big interest in journalism, and therefore this especially appealed to me).
The biggest appeal to the book, besides the intriguing style with which it was put together, was definitely the anecdotes that came along with Mr. Bill Bryson’s journey. Not only is Mr. Bryson hilarious himself, his life, or maybe it’s simply the way he describes it, is also laugh worthy. And I’m not talking about a simple chuckle or “lol”. I mean actual laugh out loud, laugh till it hurts laughing. I don’t usually laugh at books, but here with this book I (apparently) made an exception. I’d love to meet Bryson some day. He turns even the simplest of events into a chaotic disaster, or a hilarious turn of events. 
In addition, Bryson keeps it light, as it should be. The light writing, shown by Bryson’s short sentence structure and to the point word choice. This may have been due to the newspaper style structure, but it kept the book very fun to read. It never dragged on or became boring. IN addition, it was easy to put down and come back to after a long break. This was also in part due to the singularity that comes with the newspaper structure; the chapters were written singularly, so they can be read as such. This doesn’t exempt readers from binge-reading though. Bill Bryson really can hook you in, without you even noticing.

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