Sunday, October 6, 2013

TOW #4 All The President's Men, an IRB post (IRB POST 1)

SUCH. A. GOOD. BOOK. I know, I know, what was I expecting? After all, it is most often said that "the book is better than the movie". I really enjoy the way this book was written, and I have a feeling that I know why. As much drama, intrigue and flair that the book holds for readers, the most interesting part is that everything in it actually happened. I guess that's what makes nonfiction so downright interesting. The story as it unfolds may seem unbelievable at times (understandable, I mean, we're talking about the Watergate Scandal. It's pretty crazy.) but it isn't, it can't be, because it is true. That would be the whole premise of the novel so far, Bob and Carl are attempting to figure out exactly what happened. The book uses the third person, which I thought was a bit odd considering the authors were the discoverers of the scandal, but that only makes it more interesting. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein use a lot of different rhetorical devices and strategies that allow the reader to become part of the examination of the incident, the uncovering of the scandal. The one thing that they do really well is use imagery in their story. You can just picture the big office on a lazy Saturday morning, the frustration on the faces of the authors as they hit wall after wall of dead ends. The imagery in the story makes you feel, understand the story from a whole new perspective. By offering the specific details of each encounter through imagery, the authors allow audiences to become immersed in the discovery, almost as if they will figure it out for themselves by the ends, just as Woodward and Bernstein were able to eventually. I can’t wait to read more!

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