Sunday, October 13, 2013

TOW #5 A Political Cartoon on The Gov. Shutdown (AKA the most popular visual text topic, I assume)...

The author of this political cartoon, Bill Day, is a frequent editorial cartoonist who comments on modern occurrences through his artistic renderings. The (HILARIOUS) cartoon here is split into two different pictures, immediately referencing the juxtaposition between "The Employed" and "The Unemployed."The immediate split makes you think that there is a huge difference between the two groups, but when the cartoon is examined closely, it will be found that this is simply not the case. In fact, that’s what is so incredibly funny about it. 
When people hear the word “unemployed” they may think of a lazy bum who has no motivation or drive to do anything with their life, but mostly they think of someone who can not afford basic necessities in life, hence the picture of the poor man who must use trash as a pillow and a bench as a bed. He is suffering dearly in these difficult times as many Americans are and can not provide for himself efficiently because of lack of jobs and opportunity, but also because of harsh taxes etc. 
The government, in an ideal society, is supposed to look out for its people, protect them, and help them in hard times. They need to create jobs and laws and work hard to make sure that the people they are representing can live freely without worry. Currently, the American government (really always actually) is having trouble with doing this. They are ineffective, and can not agree on anything, as you know, and therefore the government has been shut down (am I the only one who doesn’t see how this is a good idea? Seriously, what?). The government officials who are still “employed” are now able to do absolutely nothing (which they are taking advantage of) and STILL GET PAID. The image below the first depicts an official who is sleeping in his office, not doing anything to solve the issue that he has created. To add humor, and a tinge of accuracy, his name is congressman wing nut, which means the author is calling him out as a man very set in his own beliefs who will not succumb to compromise. 
It’s funny really, (hence the comic) that the lazy politician can mope around all day doing nothing and get paid while the average man suffers.

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