Friday, September 6, 2013

IRB Intro: All The President's Men

Last year, I took Jourrnalism Today here at Wissahickon. We learned many things about journalism itself, how to write it, what it means, etc. However, what I found most interesting about the class was the two real life journalism controversies (it's funny really, always a journalist looking for the worst.) Nonly did these events actually happen, but they were REALLY interesting. We focused on two controversies, Stephen Glass's story, and the Watergate Scandal. I liked Glass's story most of all, and I researched it a ton. In fact, I was considering reading his book as my IRB. However, as per usual, Glass could not show the truth, and his novel "The Fabulist" was classified as a fictional account of his life (this is complete and utter crap). So, I moved on to the next scandal. Watergate. Since I really enjoyed learning about it, I have picked up the novel, "All The President's Men" which details the entire account from the perspective of authors Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward. I hope to shed some new light on the scandal, and learn more aboutb what went into its discovery in this book.

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