Wednesday, April 23, 2014

TOW #24 From Private Ordeal to National Fight: The Case Of Terri Schiavo By: Clyde Haberman

The moral battle over the issue of continued life support for a loved one is a difficult struggle for all those involved. It puts a strain on everyone and the relationships that they have. This was readily apparent in the case of Terri Schiavo. This article used rhetorical questions and factual evidence to express the horrible situation that Schiavo’s loved ones were in, and how her legacy affected the world.
Through the use of rhetorical questions, the author expresses the emotional roller coaster that Schiavo’s family faced. This topic easily strikes a cord in anyone who has been in a similar situation, but it may be harder to reach those who haven’t. Rhetorical questions such as, “What, if anything, is the enduring legacy of this painful episode?” and “What qualifies as death with dignity?”(Haberman) allow readers to put deeper thought into the topic. Especially in the last question, readers are pushed toward thinking of their own definition of “death by dignity” and how it may conflict with other peoples. They act as thought catalysts for readers. After they won’t be outside bystanders, the readers will be invested in the subject. The rhetorical questions allow the readers to understand the complexity of the situation and understand better the tragic story of Terri Schiavo.
In any legal analysis piece, there are data and facts that support the technical side. The technical information adds to the legal and emotional side of the article, and it therefore encompasses an entire argument. The author states, “Larger questions remain, affecting an estimated 25,000 Americans deemed by doctors to be in a vegetative state” which shows that many people are in a similar situation, just less in the public eye. The author makes his points more reasonable by allowing readers to infer that this is not the only case, and that this wasn’t his main point.
Terri Schiavo’s family and husband were faced with a difficult decision. It took strength and courage from all to face the media backlash that they all were privy to. This article serves to commemorate Terri and too give a nod to her loved ones for staying strong in this difficult time. 

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