Sunday, April 20, 2014


Wow, I can’t believe this is already my last I-R-B intro post. Seems like it was just yesterday that I picked up All The President’s Men. Well, time to move on I guess. I think for this marking period, I am going to try a memoir. I keep hearing about this book, “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed so I finally decided to do it. Also, they’re making a movie of it with Reese Witherspoon, so I felt I had to read it before the movie comes out. Wild is a memoir about Strayed’s journey of more than a thousand miles of the Pacific Crest Trail (and some other places). Hopefully, this book will depict the lessons that she learned in her journey and I can take them and apply them to my life. I hope to gain knowledge on a more spiritual level from this book, as opposed to the more technical information that I got from the other books I read this year. Here goes nothing....

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