Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Essay Number Four "How Doctors Die" by Ken Murray for the Zocalo Public Square

After witnessing years of futile treatment as a doctor and chatting with other doctors on their preferred way to live life, Ken Murray was inspired to write this essay. He saw that there were benefits to letting life be as it will, not trying to extend it for as long as possible and to just let it be. Murray is a retired family doctor who was also a clinical professor of family medicine in LA. He was a contributor to the novel, How to Report Statistics in Medicine and has worked with several doctors in his career. Ken Murray wrote this essay on the end of life. The essay was not about the importance of medical treatment and prolonging life, instead it discusses how those who see these extensive medical treatments everyday are helpful in a sense, but interfere with the quality of life immensely. Although this was quite a serious topic, the author was able to make it entertaining by utilizing the rhetorical tool parenthesis. This tool allowed him to add in entertaining bits of side information that offer the audience insight and knowledge. This also allowed the audience to relate better to the essay and the medical terms in it, because the parenthesis offers an explanatory description.  Because the author takes so much care into explaining all of the medical terms and his own purpose, he is able to reach out to the masses. This essay served to inform people of the choices that doctors make but not to influence them necessarily. This means that the author was able to appeal to a broader audience, one that consisted of people who did not know this about doctors. The authors only true purpose in writing was to inform the public that their medicines and other futile treatment that they force doctors to provide to them is not the best solution. I believe that the fact that doctors don't want this treatment themselves proves this point, and that was the entire basis of the author's essay. Therefore, the author served his purpose well.

This woman has made the consious decision to live her life as it lasts and that she does not want to suffer in her last stages. This tattoo was referenced in the discussion of the "no code" situation that many doctors choose to put themselves in.

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