Tuesday, May 27, 2014

TOW #28 A Documentary Analysis: Why We Fight by Eugene Jarecki

This documentary was created in 2005 by Eugene Jarecki. Jarecki is an documentary creator who has won many awards, including an Emmy. Jarecki attended Princeton University and eventually moved to films after producing a few plays. Why We Fight is a documentary that covers the military industrial complex, a topic which Dwight D. Eisenhower stressed in his farewell address to the nation forty four years before the film premiered. The documentary follows many different stories, many of which come together in the end, that each represent varying levels of the complex, and argue for both sides. Testimonies include John McCain, Richard Perle, William Kristol and several civilians who have been greatly affected by war. The film was created to warn and educate all American citizens on the dangers of the military industrial complex.

In this documentary, the filmmaker wanted to show many aspects of the military today and in the recent past. The main focus was to show how society is turning towards the complex more and more (and why it is harmful). The point was made in many different stories of civilians which came together to show deception and corruption for profit gaining purposes. The different civilian testimonies (including a man whose son died in 9/11, a bomb maker, and the men who dropped the first bombs of war) show how the military industrial complex affect different people. The versatility in effect that the complex has is huge, and its negative influence can spread if it is note gotten under control. In addition to civilians, there were testimonies from many political figures that supported the idea of a military industrial complex harming society. The testimony from political figures qualified everything that was said, making it seem more reliable and less biased. All of these stories and testimonies came together to support the idea that the military industrial complex is not good for America and yet is readily apparent.

Another important strategy in proving this point was the cinematography and style of the film. Throughout, there was an ominous tone to the documentary, as if something bad was going to happen (or in this case is already happening). This was often reflected in the lighting, which remained dark during most of the film. Many of the shot were filmed at night, especially in the case of the men who dropped the first bomb. This added to the tone by making it seem serious and potentially dangerous. In addition to the lighting, the documentary also featured less recent footage that reflected upon events in the past. One such clip was of Dwight D. Eisenhower warning the American people of the industrial military complex, saying that eventually if war will benefit major companies, it may be fought solely for the purpose of making profit. This showed the long time issue of the complex, that it has been a danger for a long time and it will stay so for even longer. To show the complex’s influence in modern society, footage of the first bombs dropped in Iraq were shown and the devastation that they caused was highlighted, striking emotions of fear and sorrow in viewers. 
Throughout this documentary, two things were clear. The military industrial complex is apparent in society, and that this is incredibly harmful to both the well being of our people and our nation itself. Through the use of testimonial and strategical styling, Eugene Jarecki created a documentary that reflects the dangers of living in an a military-industrial world.

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