Monday, June 9, 2014

So You Want To Be An APELC Student.... (TOW #30)

Hello APELC student. You may have heard from people who previously took this class that it is a challenge. This is not a lie to scare you out of taking the course, I can tell you that it is indeed difficult. However, the AP English Language and Composition course is a great one. Just because this class is difficult doesn’t mean that you should be discouraged. If you work hard at it and try your best, you will be fine. One of the great things about this course is that you have the opportunity for continuous feedback from your teacher, your peers, and even yourself. As the year goes on, you gain more skills as a writer, and you also build on skills that you already have. One of the best things about this class was the practice that we get for the essays. We often did timed essays as practice, which eliminated the pressure for a grade. This allowed us to focus on improving our essays instead of worrying about doing well. Continuous practice is great, and as we focused on each type of essay, everyone saw improvement. The improvement carried over on my graded essays as well which was great. Don’t be discouraged if you get a lower grade than you are used to at the beginning of the year on your essays. With practice and time you will get better, and you will be all the better for the AP exam at the end of the year. The same goes for your grades at the beginning of the year. It may be hard at first, but it does get easier. If you try really hard, you should be able to get a good grade that reflects your overall effort in the AP English Language course. Good luck, and have fun!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

TOW #29 A Documentary Argument Why We Fight.

 In this documentary, many stories are weaved together to form a single central point. The main point of the documentary was twofold. The documentary shows us that the military industrial complex is upon us in society and that it is a negative and harmful force for the people. I agree with both of these statements, and that the documentary effectively proved it's point through visual evidence and explanation.
    The military industrial complex is prevalent in the modern world, especially in the United States. This is proved by various things in society. Currently we are involved in war in Afghanistan, and despite the war in Iraq ending in 2011, there is still tension there. These wars have no clear reasoning. Often if you ask several people about why we are in (or got into) the war, they will give you several different answers. The military industrial complex is this idea. It is believed that one of the major factors in the war was money. I believe this to be true. In society we are faced with lots of economic competition, both worldwide and at home. It  is easy to get caught up in the competition, especially for big businesses. They feel a need to turn a profit, and war is the way to do so. The prevalence of the military industrial complex was shown many times throughout the documentary, most notably (for me at least) during the weapon convention. I had seen some things like this on television (Chuck’s Weapcon!) but I never thought about these conventions occurring in the real world. The convention showed the vast competition and provided a bit of reasoning behind the complex.

    The military industrial complex provides a huge problem. This problem is not for the big corporations and businesses, but for the people, the average joe. They are forced into a war that they don’t even know the cause of, and despite there not being  a draft, there is definite pressure to join in and help the cause. War raises taxes and prices on many things, and the regular people suffer. Meanwhile, the fat cats at the corporations rake in profits at a high risk cost.

    The military industrial complex is an unacceptable way to handle our foreign policy endeavors. Yet, it is becoming increasingly common. As Dwight D. Eisenhower once warned us, the military industrial complex has the power to destroy us. Let’s hope that by taking it under control now, we can secure the future.